Saturday, October 9, 2021

Mass mail-in voting fraught with risks of fraud, review of sweeping 2020 experiment reveals

Reviewing the results of the sudden, sweeping expansion of mail-in voting across the nation in the 2020 election, the America First Policy Institute warns that mass mail-in voting is fraught with risks of fraud and other election irregularities and urges the adoption of rules to make absentee voting secure.

" Typically, absentee ballot rules require voters to request ballots and provide identification before they are sent out, AFPI explained.

After the clerk's office verifies a voter's identity, the voter will receive a ballot that can either be mailed in or returned in person at a designated polling location.

With universal mail-in voting, all registered voters are sent absentee ballots regardless of whether they requested them.

" Compounding the weaknesses of mass mail-in voting is the problem of inaccurate and outdated voter rolls, which, according to the AFPI, led in at least one situation to thousands of people receiving ballots from two states, as well as to some instances in which votes were cast in deceased people's names.

Citing the need for standards "to instill greater security in the process" of mail-in voting, the AFPI report offers a series of recommendations, including: procedures that would guarantee "legal ballots are secured and counted quickly," ensuring only legal ballots are cast, and matching mailed ballots "to their envelopes after being opened to secure future authentication procedures and audits.

" the adoption of ballot-tracking applications so ballots don't get lost in the mail, and allowing ballot applications to be sent only via First Class mail, "which allows state elections officials to use their Address Correction Services to match registrations with more updated address lists, thus providing additional security measures in ensuring only legally registered voters receive a ballot. 

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