Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Wife of John Kerry has Million in China-Based Investments

New government documents show that John Kerry's wife, heiress of Heinz Ketchup, has millions of dollars in Chinese investments, leaving Biden's climate change envoy facing an ethical dilemma.

Kerry's latest filing with the Office of Government Ethics in March shows his wife benefits from an investment of "At least $1 million" in a hedge fund that specializes in private partnerships and investments with Chinese government-controlled funds, the Daily Mail reports.

Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz, is the widow of late senator John Heinz and heiress to the Heinz family fortune, which is estimated to be worth over $750 million.

Kerry often meets with Chinese leaders and diplomats to negotiate with the industrial superpower to cut deals on reducing its carbon footprint.

Through her family trusts, Kerry has an over a million dollar interest in Teng Yue Partners, an investment firm specializing in equity investments in China.

Kerry's filings say his wife's holding is over a million a majority of Teng's funds have a minimum investment of $5 million.

"Whenever you're negotiating with a country to try to get something done and you have investments in that country, there is that risk that negotiators could try to threaten to hold those investments hostage in the course of the negotiations," Painter told the Daily Mail.


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