Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Treacherous Road to Runaway Inflation

Biden’s ideas are systemically crippling our economy. 

Not to be outdone, President Obama continued the deficit spending, seeking "Shovel ready" projects, which don't exist because government permits take years.

Say's law says: "Supply creates its own demand." Conversely, spending does not create supply, a fact that is lost on our politicians.

Congress is going to tax every producer, reduce investment, and make small business very difficult so that the worst money managers on the planet can go on a spending spree and reward the large, connected corporations and create an ever larger welfare state, which also seriously undermines America's ability to produce and has created trillion-dollar deficits, which undermine the dollar, the world's reserve currency.

These taxes will undermine every producer so Biden and Congress can spend lavishly on moronic programs, heavily influenced by the Green New Deal, and on expanded welfare.

Inflation accelerates as government continues to spend.

These corrections would have already occurred, except for endless government spending and a Fed that literally props up the market.

The only cure is to stop spending and taxing and allow Americans to be free to produce. 

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