Thursday, August 26, 2021

Disgrace: Weak Biden Struggles Through Remarks After 12 Americans Killed

The day 12 American service members and an unknown number of Afghans were killed by suicide bombings in Kabul, Afghanistan, President Joe Biden was 25 minutes late to address the nation in a roaming speech marked with labored breathing and a few choked-up moments.

Biden delivered a message to those who carried out Thursday's suicide attacks as well as others who may wish America harm: "We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay," Biden said, refusing to give specifics about when, where, or how those responsible would be made to pay other than that the United States would strike ISIS-K leadership, assets, and facilities.

As the Biden administration has said, they had intelligence of impending ISIS-K attacks on HKIA for days - so why weren't the group's leaders, assets, or facilities attacked before? Instead of striking ISIS-K previously, Biden's plan has been partially reliant on the Taliban checkpoints around the airport to deter or detect ISIS-K suicide bombers.

Joe Biden begins his eulogy of 12 dead American Service Members by touting his evacuation mission in Afghanistan.

Again without specifics, Biden promised that the United States will "Find any American who wishes to get out of Afghanistan" and "Get them out" after the military has withdrawn without any explanation for how such missions will be carried out after a U.S. departure.

Despite his administration's claims that every American who wants to get out of Afghanistan would be evacuated, Biden stated that a war has not ended with a "Guarantee that everyone who wanted to be extracted...would get out."

Following his remarks, Biden again pulled out a preapproved list of reporters he "Was instructed to call on" before attempting to again blame former President Trump for his deadly handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal after eventually calling on Fox News' Peter Doocy. 

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