Thursday, August 26, 2021

Kenosha Is A Political Liability For Democrats Because They Lit The Match And Watched It Go Up In Flames

"And the Democrats were beholden to the far left, and in particular, those calling to defund the police and refusing to support the men and women of law enforcement." Steil was referring specifically to Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers.

Evers didn't merely respond incorrectly to the violence; he helped ignite it, blasting out anti-police statements before any facts of the Jacob Blake shooting had come to light.

In the hours after Blake was shot on Sunday, Evers tweeted: Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Governor Tony Evers August 24, 2020 "We must see the trauma, fear, and exhaustion of being black in our state and our country," Evers said, stoking the flame in a video address he posted the following day.

Kleefisch was talking about a letter the presidents of four different law enforcement organizations in the state sent to Evers on Aug. 27, four days after the Blake shooting, asking the governor to "Discontinue and refrain from making statements" about the Blake shooting until the facts of the case were investigated because they said he was putting police in danger.

Kenosha boarded up windows Kenosha county board members formally requested 1,500 National Guard members on Aug. 26, a request Evers did not accommodate.

More than 24 hours after the Blake shooting, during the second night of rioting, Evers sent only 125 guardsmen, saying it was the best he could do.

Despite the White House extending a hand the Evers administration turned it down - that is, until the fatal Rittenhouse shooting, which happened exactly one year ago last night.

"In fact, Tony Evers did not even show up in Kenosha until four days after the fact. Two men had to lose their lives and 50 businesses had to be destroyed in order for Tony Evers to bother showing up." Evers eventually relented, accepting federal help and upping the National Guard count to 500 troops, after an estimated $50 million dollars in property damage affecting 100 businesses, three people shot, and two of them dead. Steil said that if Evers had accepted help sooner, the Rittenhouse shooting on Tuesday night of that fiery week "For sure" wouldn't have happened.

"They should have had sufficient resources and enforced a curfew and all of this. Everything that occurred on Tuesday night could have been avoided." Since When Does Evers Care about 'Official Channels'? To this day, Evers' defenders say he fulfilled "All requests for assistance we received via official channels," but his detractors say, "Who cares?" All it would have taken was the governor turning on the news or answering a call from a concerned citizen to know that his public relations prattle about "Official channels" wouldn't be enough to protect his constituents in Kenosha and their livelihoods.

"You're the governor, you get to decide whether or not something is needed or not in the end. And clearly, the evidence is overwhelming that for three nights in a row, he failed to provide sufficient resources." "Evers' version of official channels is mind-boggling," Kleefisch added. 

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