Friday, August 27, 2021

Vaccine Mandates and the "Great Reset"

Why is the vaccination campaign so important to governments that they are increasing the pressure to such an extent? And who has an interest in the global vaccination campaign?

With to the vaccination campaign the state can stage itself as the savior from the great danger.

The state organizes vaccination for its citizens and gives the vaccinations to the citizens for "Free." Without this "Vaccination rescue" and in a permanent lockdown, the negative economic and social consequences of the restrictions on civil rights would be so great that resentment among the population would continue to grow and ultimately unrest would threaten.

Through state-provided vaccination, the state can continue to hold on to the narrative of the great threat and still get out of the lockdown.

Thus, the globally coordinated vaccination program can be interpreted as a building block in a supranational strategy of a great reset.

Global vaccination structures are being established that can be used for subsequent global vaccination campaigns.

From the perspective of advocates of a great reset, globally coordinated covid-19 vaccination underscores the need for global structures and organizations that can then be used for other global purposes, such as effectively combating "Climate change" and pushing for a great reset. 

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