Saturday, August 28, 2021

Anthony Fauci's Continued Prominence Proves 'The Great Reset' Architects Have Absolute Control

On this subject, we once again find Anthony Fauci leading the charge to "Debunk" the risks of getting the injections.

The architects of The Great Reset could have cut bait from Fauci long ago.

Only by being in the good graces of the architects of The Great Reset does Fauci still enjoy prominence.

Fauci explained his first recommendation not to wear masks during a March 2020 "60 Minutes" interview, saying using a mask in the community was unnecessary, and specifically:19.

Within the space of four minutes Fauci said that without a doubt, people can get infected after vaccination and carry enough virus to transmit the infection - BUT - if the overwhelming majority of people are vaccinated the virus would be crushed.

February 5, 2020, Fauci wrote in an email: "The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material."28.

In June 2021, The Nation pointed out that as he testified before the U.S. Senate in May, "Fauci was asked by Rand Paul, 'Do you still support funding of the lab in Wuhan?'" to which Fauci replied "With all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect."34. 

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