Monday, December 23, 2019

The Rest. 1

Read this item and you will learn how screwed up so many lawyers are.  The point made by the author is that lawyers are schooled in left wing orthodoxy in most law schools. That is exactly what is wrong with so many court decisions and how lawyers practice law. The recent kangaroo court hosted by two Democrat lawyers Schiff and Nadler was an example.  And no one can ever forget the left wing lawyers who attempted to destroy Bret Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court appointment hearings.  Those lawyers were nothing more than left wing advocates in those settings instead of lawyers following the Constitution.  BTW that includes Bill and Hillary Clinton, both of whom are trained lawyers.  Quote: "For example, when I began teaching constitutional law, I surveyed the available constitutional law course books. What I found was a waste dump of pedagogical malpractice—but one that reflects how most constitutional law courses are taught. For example, most of the books treated constitutional law as essentially beginning in 1803 when the Supreme Court decided Marbury v. Madison. They paid little attention to the 600-year Anglo-American foundation that supports the Constitution and contributes much of its meaning."  And,  "On average constitutional law texts devote two thirds of their coverage to less than two percent of the Constitution. The favored portions are (1) the First Amendment and (2) two sections of the Fourteen Amendment. Why these portions? Because, I think, they are provisions in which liberals are obsessively interested: They include lots of cases about race, gender, abortion, and porn."  So the reality is that left wing lawyers do not even know they are left wing, they think they know the law but really have very little understanding of the 600-year Anglo-American foundation that supports the Constitution and its complete meaning. No wonder progressive Democrat socialist lawyers are so screwed up.

This is an interesting take on how we got into the political mess we are now in. Quote: "One of the basic methods of propaganda is reversal — make an accusation against your enemies that is so blatantly false as to be the exact opposite of truth. This technique has become known as “the Big Lie” because of a passage in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf: “In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses … more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”  And,  "Americans so far have been fortunately protected by our Constitution from outright totalitarianism, but this protection does not make us safe from propaganda. When I was a schoolboy in the 1970s, my teachers as early as eighth grade taught us to recognize the techniques of propaganda, including the “false dilemma” fallacy and “glittering generalities.” Evidently, not every student gets such lessons, an educational deficiency that probably explains why some people believe what is broadcast as “news” on CNN and MSNBC nowadays. Anyone whose knowledge of current events is derived from such “news” operations must believe, for example, that President Trump is a Russian agent who “stole” the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton and who therefore poses a “threat to our democracy,” making necessary his impeachment and removal from office. Within the echo-chamber environment of the liberal media, anyone disputing this “Russian collusion” narrative is either (a) an idiot parroting “Republican talking points,” (b) a Russian agent, or (c) both a Russian agent and a Republican idiot.

This is a succinct assessment of the 6th Democrat presidential debates.  It seems that it was a disaster.
This item confirms that the Democrats have screwed themselves with their self righteous Impeachment disaster.  Donations to Republican's reelection campaign have dramatically increased.    Even CNN understands that Democrats have messed up. Meanwhile, Trump's economy is booming.  Quote: "As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year’s election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS."

This evil man, Adam Schiff, has lied every time he has opened his mouth since Trump stepped into the Oval Office, throughout the whole Mueller investigation, the fake Impeachment hearings he led and since. He ruled over his committee like a total dictator.  He now intends to go after VP Pence.  It seems that Democrats think they are masters of the universe and anyone who does not agree with their unethical, immoral, criminal behavior and unsavory political tactics can just go to that place filled with fire and brimstone.  They clearly have the mistaken belief that everyone should just bow down to their self assumed superiority in all matters.    Such are the completely insane and unhinged characters running the progressive Democrat socialist party.  They are that demented.   If anyone still does not think Schiff is an evil man, consider this.   More on the abject lack of ethics and criminal nature routinely exhibited by Schiff.  He actually thinks he is above the law.

This item confirms that the Democrats screwed themselves with their self righteous Impeachment disaster.  Donations to Republican's reelection campaign have dramatically increased.    Even CNN understands that Democrats have messed up. Meanwhile, Trump's economy is booming.  Quote: "As 2019 comes to a close, the US economy earns its highest ratings in almost two decades, potentially boosting President Donald Trump in matchups against the Democrats vying to face him in next year’s election, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS."

If this item does not prove that most if not all elite Democrat politicians are incompetent fools I do not know what will. This item highlights California's Governor blaming Trump for his state's homeless problem. This is a prime example that so very many of the Democrat socialist elites consider themselves to be god's gift to mankind and that it is impossible for them to ever do or say anything wrong.  However, their completely stupid and flawed policies prove them wrong almost every time. They clearly do not recognize that their absence of ethics and less than optimal thinking skills makes them vulnerable to their own incompetence. And because they lack the self awareness necessary to recognize that they are experts at creating their own messes they just know someone else is at fault. Their default then is to blame others for THEIR mistakes.  In the current political environment they blame Trump for EVERYTHING THEY do wrong.    Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are other examples of way too many to cite along with far too many their mainstream media propaganda agents.
Before he departed the Trump administration then Attorney General Sessions appointed John Huber to investigate "...allegations stemming from the FBI probe into Trump and alleged Russian collusion. This new duty was in addition to his appointment by Sessions in November 2017 to investigation Uranium One and other Clinton matters." His investigation is ongoing and he and Horowitz have been in coordination.

This piece puts the history of FBI malfeasance into a historical perspective which I think is a bit too broad. What the author does is focus on bad high level management decisions that were disasters and not on the vast number of agents who do their jobs. So those calling for the abolishment of the agency need to reconsider.  This author, too. The elites running FBI headquarters are the bad guys, not the rank and file. Which means better management leads to better behavior and outcomes. This piece, does however, provide food for thought.    And, yes I understand that J. Edward Hoover was a dirty cop, as were Bob Mueller and James Comey but they were the leadership.  Honest and ethical directors are needed to fix the mess.  The same holds true for the DOJ too.   This flawed FBI HQ attorney since fired is an example of what needs to be cleaned up.  She thinks she can get away with illegal activity because the FBI illegally leaked her criminal behavior details so she sues the FBI and demands tax payers cover the cost of the damage done to her private life.  Those are the people who need to be eliminated.     Here is an update on multiple lies told by James Comey.

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