Friday, December 20, 2019

Is Impeachment Backfiring on Democrats?

The House impeached President Donald Trump on a straight party-line vote.

Nancy Pelosi signaled Wednesday night that she might not send over to the Senate the articles of impeachment the House had just approved.

To have the Senate, which is judge and jury of the impeachment charges, to start calling witnesses whom House prosecutors failed to pursue "Could set a nightmarish precedent."

Schumer's plea for new witnesses is an admission that the House's case for impeaching Trump is inadequate and deficient and could prove wholly noncredible to the American people.

The message sent by Pelosi's call for more time before the trial, and Schumer's call for more witnesses, is one of fear that not only could the House's case for impeachment fail, it could be laughed out of the Senate.

The Democratic Party has bet the ranch on the impeachment and removal of Trump for imperiling our "National security." But are Schumer and Pelosi behaving as though the republic is in mortal peril?

Why did the Democratic House not impeach Trump for conspiring with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Answer: The House could no more prove this charge than could Robert Mueller after two years.

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