Friday, December 20, 2019

Adam Schiff Sets Eyes on Pence – Tells MSNBC He’s “Acquired Evidence” from Vice President’s Office on Ukrainian Investigation

During their conversation Schiff announced he was going after Vice President Mike Pence next and may have "Acquired evidence" that the Vice President is hiding information in the House Ukrainian investigation.

Adam Schiff: Well, we have acquired a piece of evidence, classified by Jennifer Williams, something she alluded to in her open testimony.

There is nothing that is classified in the document but the vice president's office has said they are going to classify It is not proper to classify something because it would be embarrassing or incriminating.

That submission does shed light on the vice president's knowledge.

Jennifer Williams testified before Congress in November and offered nothing.

So now Schiff has Democrats thinking Williams holds the key to Pence's impeachment.

Then President Pelosi will RULE!These people are crazy!

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