Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Democrats’ delay game is now entering its desperate stage.

Sen. Chuck Schumer issued another demand Sunday for more witnesses and documents as impeachment moves to the Senate.

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell calls the Dems' case the "The thinnest basis" for impeachment "In American history."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is refusing to send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate to begin the trial.

National support for impeachment is steadily falling, and every day Dems spend on impeachment lessens their chances of unseating Trump in November.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1993 that judges cannot interfere in impeachment trials because the Senate has "The sole power" over them.

Minutes after the impeachment vote, federal appeals judges asked Congress to show why its case to compel the testimony of former White House lawyer Don McGahn isn't abruptly ended because "The articles of impeachment render the case moot."

Their conduct so far has made impeachment a stain on them.


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