Friday, November 1, 2019

Pelosi Begins "Political Death March" As Impeachment Resolution Offers Few Answers

Without a single Republican vote, the Democratic leader has passed a resolution endorsing her impeachment inquest and setting forth rules and a loose timetable allowing it to proceed in an even more public fashion.

She is still losing in the areas where it matters most: No. 1) in the court of public opinion, where the country is roughly split on support for impeachment.

That's right: All of the Dems' smears have had practically no impact, perhaps because the White House immediately moved to release the rough transcript, allowing the public to see with its own eyes that there was no quid-pro-quo during the July 25 call with Zelensky.

Whatever progress impeachment has made in terms of public opinion, Pelosi better prepare to lose it.

Because, as Bloomberg points out, the impeachment inquiry has burst into public view.

In a few weeks, public hearings will begin, and although the Dems promised the White House that Trump's legal team would be allowed to participate, it turns they won't be allowed to cross examine witnesses until the next round, which will be handled by the Judiciary Committee.

It's worth noting that the way this has all been set up, it's almost as if the leadership assumes impeachment will fail, but has decided that the political boost they might gain by bashing Trump is worth the effort, according to the New York Times.

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