Wednesday, November 20, 2019

All Eyes On Judge In Michael Flynn Case After Weeks Of Shocking Developments

Powell's motion seeks to force federal prosecutors to provide Flynn an array of documents withheld from his attorneys and to sanction government lawyers for their failure to provide relevant evidence to the defense team in a timely manner.

Mere days after the final briefing came in, federal prosecutors found themselves forced to admit that for nearly three years, they had wrongly identified the authors of the handwritten notes taken by the FBI agents during their January 24, 2017, interview of then-National Security Advisor Flynn.

The Government Deserves Serious Censure At the time he questioned Flynn during the December 2018 hearing, Judge Sullivan had no idea of the serious-and likely unwaivable-conflict of interest Flynn's then-attorneys had. The government had pushed Flynn's previous attorneys at Covington and Burling LLP, in February 2017, to quickly file a registration statement under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, for Flynn Intel Group.

Federal prosecutors later obtained indictments against Flynn's FIG business partners for supposed FARA violations, and still later the prosecutors branded Flynn a co-conspirator in the FARA case.

Government Threats and Obfuscation The threat also wasn't a one off: After Powell took over representation of Flynn, federal prosecutors attempted to force Flynn to testify at Rafiekian's trial that Flynn had knowingly made false statements in the FARA filings-something Flynn denies.

The government, according to Powell, also had an FBI agent contact Flynn Jr. directly, even though the younger Flynn was represented by counsel.

These maneuvers corroborate the prosecutors' earlier use of Flynn Jr. as a pawn to pressure his father to plead guilty.

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