Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Launder Foreign Aid

We had an unusual working arrangement, for us, the service provider, to be "Totally open and transparent" with the Liberian government required a very close relationship between President Johnson-Sirleaf and our airport management team.

My American Association of Airport Executives-trained and certified airport manager worked closely with the Transportation Security Administration to train our Liberian workforce for the ultimate goal of conducting nonstop flights from the U.S. to Monrovia, a return to the good old days when PanAm dominated aviation in Africa.

The U.S. Embassy Econ Chief had made several visits to the airport, as an airline passenger and as the Econ Chief, and reported through his chain that great things were happening in Liberia.

Because of what we were doing and how we were going about it, he could bypass the U.S. State Department's goods and services vendor and drop USAID funds directly into the airport's operational account for the things we needed at the airport.

In our case, once those funds were in the airport's operational account, they could be used for other things unrelated to airport operations.

Before we took over the airport, passengers could present stolen passports to "Get inside the airport transportation network" and travel between airports.

After the three-year airport management contract expired, Liberia lost its TSA airport accreditation, Delta Airlines no longer flies nonstop from JFK to Monrovia, and corruption is back in vogue at Roberts Field.

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