Monday, November 18, 2019

Of Course It’s Quid Pro Quo, That’s What Foreign Policy Is!

Conservative Columnist and Author Ann Coulter roasted both Democrats and Republicans for their handling of impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

While the firebrand has tweeted criticism at the president recently, Coulter remains staunchly opposed to impeaching the president, arguing that the “quid pro quo” Trump allegedly made with Ukraine is business-as-usual for American foreign policy. Republicans, she told the Daily Caller, need to have more spine. (RELATED: Will Democrats Ever CAll An Impeachment Witness Who Knows Anything?)

“How about a little me-time for America?” Coulter said. “This is a fight over attaching strings to foreign aid? I did a nexus search a month ago: “Foreign aid” within the same sentence as “conditions.” My computer blew up. That’s what the whole point of foreign aid is. That’s what they tell us the point is. ‘Well, we give them foreign aid, but then we make them knock out corruption, stop beating their women.'” (RELATED: Focus Group Finds Average American Doesn’t Know Or Care What Impeachment Inquiry Is About)

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