Thursday, November 21, 2019

Medicare For All Study: 2/3 of Households Would Be Worse Off

If Democrats get their way and jack up taxes to attempt to cover a "Medicare for All" plan, not only would jobs be lost, but 2/3 of American households would be worse off.

A majority of households would end up worse off financially with less disposable income.

The study is an interesting exercise, but it's not hard to anticipate the response from the Left.

The study assumes no payment cuts for medical providers at all.

The study was conducted by the Heritage Foundation and the results could impoverish the majority of Americans and widen the "Wealth gap" liberals constantly complain about.

In general, the study mainly drives home that the expected results of Medicare for All depend mainly on one's subjective assumptions about how payments would work out and which taxes could plausibly raise that much money.

No matter how it worked out, it would require someone to pay a boatload in new taxes which would leave a majority of households worse off than they were before.

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