Saturday, June 22, 2019

Democrats Launch Massive Campaign To Protect Undocumented Immigrants From ICE Raids

Immigration and Customs Enforcement are beginning massive raids this weekend to deport thousands of undocumented immigrants.

In response to the raids, which are scheduled to start on Sunday, Democrats have started a ridiculous hashtag campaign on Twitter.

They are begging other Americans to "Protect Each Other" from ICE although legal immigrants and natural born citizens do not need protection from them.

We're getting a lot of asks about protests this weekend to call on ICE not to separate families.

0%. 0%. ICE is suppose to be raiding major cities in the coming days.

Imagine if ICE would go after drug lords and those who traffic women and children in the way they fo after Hispanic families who contribute to our country.

ICE raids planned for 10 major cities on Sunday, June 23rd. Here's some helpful info if you are targeted by ICE. Pass it along.

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