Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Stossel: 2020 Candidates' Worst and Best Ideas

John Stossel says he's "Repulsed by most politicians" because "Not only are they mad for power, they push bad ideas."

Stossel wonders: "Really? The people who mishandle mail?" The post office loses billions every year.

Sen. Cory Booker wants government to guarantee everyone a job and to pay many people's rent.

"That sounds nice," Stossel points out, "But if politicians get to decide what is 'hate,' they will censor any idea they don't like."

Stossel says, he misunderstands the trade deficit.

"All the candidates have bad ideas," Stossel says.

The views expressed in this video are solely those of John Stossel; his independent production company, Stossel Productions; and the people he interviews.


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