Monday, June 24, 2019

Cocaine Mitch Decides Actually Working Is More Important Than Democrat Debate Prep

For Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell though, these debates just aren't that important.

"Senators' teams are expecting Mitch McConnell to schedule Senate proceedings on Wednesday and Thursday to force them to fly to the debate directly from D.C. rather than getting to situate themselves." https://t.

Welcome to 2019, where actually asking elected officials to work is considered controversial.

While Cocaine Mitch probably had sticking it to these do-nothing Democrats in the back of his mind, the truth is that remaining in session is absolutely crucial right now.

While most of us get a single day off, Congress gets the entire week for some reason.

While a deal is unlikely, you can't make an attempt at one if you take that entire two weeks off.

While CNN wants to spin this as underhanded politics from those mean ole Republicans, it's actually completely normal.

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