Monday, June 24, 2019

The Energy Solution That Should Make Everyone Happy

Supposedly, renewable energy uses sources of energy that will not run out, anytime soon, like the sun.

The main scalable renewable energy is wind and solar.

The golden age of nuclear power ended around 1970, when the environmental Left launched a sustained attack based on scaring people with predicted nuclear disasters and cancer.

Even though hundreds of power reactors have been operating around the world for the last 50 years with few problems, the anti-nuclear propaganda blitz has succeeded in crushing he nuclear power industry in the U.S. The only serious nuclear disaster was the destruction of the Chernobyl reactor in the Soviet Union in 1986.

The cost of nuclear electricity today is dominated by the capital cost of the reactor.

Prominent promoters of global warming, such as James Hansen, Michael Shellenberger, and Stewart Brand are all promoting a nuclear solution.

For the argument here, I need to mention only global warming, nuclear radiation, and renewable energy.

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