Sunday, June 23, 2019

Congress won't fund the one thing we need to enforce CURRENT law

We don't need more "Border funding" to fix a policy problem at our border, one which could be solved with the military and proper use of current law.

We do need more funding for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to compensate for years of not enforcing existing law, which has created a backlog of illegal aliens, often dangerous ones, in our country with no ability to deport them.

Bryan Wilcox, acting director of ICE's Seattle field office, said on my show Thursday that "Better than 10% of my officers are currently on detail either to the border or to other parts of the country in support of the border." He noted that "If we really want to make a dent on this problem, we need significantly more resources."

Chillingly, the report noted that "550,000 criminal aliens convicted of crimes exit law enforcement custody every year" and that "This population of criminal aliens poses a major threat to public safety."

Deportations are the only thing Congress will not fund amidst the bipartisan effort to fund legal aid and more amnesty programs for illegals.

If we would only have more ERO agents and give them the necessary resources to enforce CURRENT law, so much of the human and drug trafficking would not exist and there would be no need for much of the HSI investigations.

Rather than the politicians and the media scoffing at President Trump's attempt to enforce our laws by noting how we lack the resources to fully implement it, they should be outraged that those resources have never been allocated.

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