Friday, May 25, 2018

Why Not Carter Page?

The first point that has been widely discussed is that if they thought Trump was a target of Russian perfidy, they would have briefed Trump about it.

Apparently, the FBI spy told a minor Trump campaign official, George Papadopoulos, that Russians had dirt on Hillary.

Page wore a wire to get incriminating evidence on a Russian spy, and when he did so, he was an "Undercover employee" of the FBI. Further evidence of the FBI's and the Intelligence Community's belief that Page wasn't engaged in anything nefarious is that they did nothing to try and question him about his Moscow trip.

If they'd really thought he might have been involved in collusion or that he'd been approached with proffers of collusion, it would have been easy for an FBI agent Page had worked with on the previous Russian spy case, or an undercover asset like the ones who talked to Papadopoulos, to "Accidently" bump into Page and see what he had to say.

Even if Page wasn't truthful, FBI agents are taught how to see if someone is lying or hiding something, so the FBI would have had some basis for suspecting that the formerly loyal Page had gone over to the dark side and was colluding with Russia.

The answer is that the FBI was looking not to protect Trump, but to frame him, and it had no reason to assume that Page would go along with that.

Ignoring for a moment that this claim is in direct contradiction to what the same talking heads have been saying for over a year - if Obama people were trying to protect Trump, then they didn't think Trump was compromised, which means they thought the Steele dossier was a pack of lies - it's still easy to show that the Deep State wasn't trying to protect Trump. 

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