Tuesday, May 29, 2018

FBI Agents Afraid To Testify

Sources tell The Daily Caller disgruntled FBI agents are too afraid of retaliation to speak out about the Bureau's many troubles.

The sources say agents don't trust Congress to protect them from the consequences of testifying and claim whistleblower protection laws are ineffective.

Even as a new Rasmussen poll shows a majority of voters believe senior law enforcement officials broke the law to stop Donald Trump from beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, rank-and-file FBI agents who want to testify against their superiors to Congress feel they can't due to an ineffective whistleblower protection law.

These agents believe the sluggishness of the law exposes them to an inordinate risk of reprisal, so they have remained in hiding and afraid to speak the truth.

This story is based on interview transcripts with two FBI agents that one former White House official provided The Daily Caller.

The former White House official who maintained direct contact with at least two agents told TheDC they are "Hunkering down because they see good people being thrown to the dogs for speaking out and speaking out does nothing to solve the problems." He believes that "Congress and DOJ are so weak and clueless and can't be trusted to follow through."

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley defended the Whistleblower Protection Act he spearheaded after FBI agents insisted that only subpoenas would bring them forward to Congress.

Sen. Grassley's law does an appropriate job at protecting whistleblowers from unfair prosecution, but it is not prosecution that prevents agents from stepping forward-it is the possibility of going bankrupt from attorneys' fees when defending themselves against retaliatory legal actions by their agency.

An FBI agent who came forward as a government whistleblower in 2013 told TheDC he experienced "Personal humiliation, stress-related illnesses, and a huge financial loss, requiring my wife to go to work so we could make ends meet."


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