Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Liberal Pundits Blast Trump for Obama-era Immigration Failures

From October to December 2017, the Office of Refugee Resettlement attempted to reach 7,635 unaccompanied children and their sponsors.

From these calls, ORR learned that 6,075 UAC remained with their sponsors.

The children were placed with families - and then those they were placed with didn't respond to inquiries from the ORR. Even PBS republished the same misunderstanding of Wagner's testimony.

An article showing images of children detained in an immigration facility spread like wildfire through social media, thanks entirely to a handful of pundits, including Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau, CNN's Hadas Gold, race-baiter extraordinaire Shaun King, New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein, Sharia-law enthusiast Linda Sarsour, New York Times columnist Lauren Wolfe, and literally hundreds of thousands of others.

Despite the photos originating from the Obama days, the aforementioned pundits spoke about that image like they'd been ordered straight from The Donald himself.

Again, had a single person actually clicked through the link, they would've found the article was published in April 2016 while Obama was President.

You know, for all the time the Left spends calling Trump a "Nazi," it certainly is interesting that thy have to point towards alleged misdeeds under the Obama administration to prove it. 

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