Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Donald Trump Russia Investigation: Obama Administration Originated Probe

Worse still, the Obama Justice Department withheld from the FISA court the facts that the Clinton campaign was behind the dossier and that Steele had been booted from the investigation for lying to the FBI. With the Page origination story cratering, Team Obama tried to save the day with Origination Story 2.0: Papadopoulos did it.

Last week, as controversy stirred over the possibility that the Obama administration had used a spy against the Trump campaign, the eagle eye of the Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel caught a couple of key passages from the House Intelligence Committee's recent report on Russian interference in the election - largely overlooked passages on page 54.

So ... what exactly was "The Page information"? Well, we know that Page, an Annapolis alumnus and former naval intelligence officer, is ... well, he's a knucklehead. He is a Russia apologist whose "Discursive online blog postings about foreign policy," Politico noted, "Invoke the likes of Kanye West, Oprah Winfrey, and Rhonda Byrne's self-help bestseller, 'The Secret.'" More to the point, Page blames American provocations for bad relations with the Kremlin and advocates, instead, a policy of appeasing the Putin regime.

In discussing Page, one of the things Lynch, Comey, and McCabe discussed was the possibility of providing the Trump campaign with a "Defensive briefing." This would be a meeting with a senior campaign official to put the campaign on notice of potential Russian efforts to compromise someone - Page - within the campaign.

There are many different ways the Obama administration could have reacted to the news that Page and Manafort had joined the Trump campaign.

Carter Page and Paul Manafort joined the Trump campaign in early spring, and the FBI was concerned about their possible ties to Russia.

These FBI concerns resulted in a briefing of the Obama NSC by the FBI sometime in "Late spring." I suspect the "Late spring" may turn out to be an earlier part of spring than most people might suppose - like maybe shortly after Page joined the Trump campaign. 

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