Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Barack Obama's 'World as It Should Be'

Like his mentor before him, unabashed radical Barack Obama's goal has always been "Breaking the necks of conservatives." One of Barack's original Chicago mentors Mike Kruglik described Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, as "The best student he ever had," a "Natural undisputed master of agitation," a description that explains why Obama has been capable of inspiring turmoil via propaganda cleverly disguised as global concern and non-partisan politics.

In his tweet, Obama quoted Saul Alinsky when he flattered the student protesters for attempting to "Remake the world as it should be," which translated means, "The world as it should be" per Barack Obama's anti-Constitutional vision.

Again, Obama used Twitter to issue a clarion call to young people asking them to pick up the transformational torch and to help change the world into the Marxist communitarian enclave Barack and Michelle Obama think it should be.

After mentioning Bruce Springsteen and Lin-Manuel Miranda, Obama went on to criticize America, and offer the techy audience "World as it should be" answers that feigned a disingenuous desire to cultivate "Institutions based on rule of law," principles, and recognition of "The dignity and worth of every individual" - none of which Barack Obama believes in.

On the point of "Two ways of seeing the world," Barack Obama is 100% correct; currently, there is a clash of world visions.

A world where racial enmity minimized, patriotism strong, and America preeminent, which, according to Alinsky pupil, Barack Obama, is not "The world as it should be."

The former president, Barack Obama's presence on the world stage has coincided with chaos springing up everywhere globalists seek to make an impact.


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