Sunday, March 18, 2018

Missile Misses

North Korea has rattled American nerves with a missile, and potential nuclear device, capable of reaching the United States. That little false alarm in Hawaii in January didn't help much either. President Trump and Kim Jong-un are supposed to meet this May with hopes of easing tensions. The threat of an incoming nuclear missile has also prompted some questions about the readiness of America's missile defense system.. and what, after decades and hundreds of billions of dollars, we have got for the money. Scott Thuman reports.
VP Pence: The American people and the world should know. Our nation is secure. Our nation’s defenses from potential inbound missile attacks is the best in the world.
Vice President Mike Pence boasted about the US missile defense system last month in Alaska, home of one of two missile bases on the West Coast. The other is in California.
Willman: These ground fired interceptors are rockets, a three-stage rockets that are tipped with a very complex thing called a kill vehicle, and so the kill vehicle will be boosted into the weightlessness of space by the rocket, it would separate, and the visual is not dissimilar from what we used to see with the old space program shots. 

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