Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Obama Judges Rule Cross Monument Must Go, Showing Elections Do Have Consequences

Obama appointed six of the eight judges who, on March 1, refused to reconsider a wrongheaded 2-1 ruling of a 4th Circuit panel last fall.

According to the October ruling, the commission's paying for the upkeep and repairs of the monument "Has the primary effect of endorsing religion and excessively entangles the government in religion"-supposedly in violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause.

Two of the "Gang of Eight" judges, Stephanie D. Thacker and James A. Wynn, also made up the 2-1 majority in the October ruling.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, called the 4th Circuit's ruling "An affront to all veterans," and a spokesman for Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh, a Democrat, said his office would file a brief in support of the veterans memorial monument when the case is appealed to the Supreme Court, as it will-and should-be.

On March 12, the county filed an appeal of a September ruling in favor of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is demanding a redesign of the county seal without the cross.

"In this case, neither the longevity of the seal, nor the secular symbols surrounding the cross detract from the religious message that a cross conveys to the reasonable observer," wrote District Judge Edward Smith in his ruling.

Not surprisingly, Smith is also an Obama appointee, further underscoring the notion that elections have consequences-in this case, adverse consequences.

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