Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Data on mass shootings at school don't live up to the hysteria

How many people have been killed in school shootings in the United States since 1900? The answer is 552, at least according to a comprehensive list compiled by Wikipedia.

The same people who say this should recognize that the odds that your elementary, middle, high school, or university student is going to die in a school shooting are even lower.

Since March of 1998, there have been 298 people killed in school shootings in the United States, or 14.9 deaths a year.

Needless to say, these figures vastly exceed the death toll from school shootings, mass shootings, and gun violence in general.

The American public should really be directing its attention to ensuring that we live healthier lives; not worrying about the astronomical odds of being involved in a school shooting.

The next argument that liberals love to make: School shootings only happen in the United States.

If it is wrong for Trump supporters to call for sweeping anti-Muslim public policy every time a Muslim commits a terrorist attack, it is equally wrong to blame the right to keep and bear arms, and those who peacefully exercise it, for school shootings.


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