Monday, March 26, 2018

Protecting Schools the Israeli Way

To follow up on my explosively popular article, "Israel Figured Out How to Prevent School Shootings 40 years Ago", it's time to get specific about protecting the schools in this country.

While everyone else argues over the impossible, that is, impossible prevention of any kind of violence by rolling back Constitutional rights, we can look to the way Israel protects its schools, and its most treasured possession, its children.

Ben Goldstein, an American who made aliyah to Israel, and now serves as volunteer security, and is co-founder of AKRAV Global Security Solutions, described the Israeli method, and how easy it would be for America to follow Israel's example.

The security circles that we can do something about begin at any school's entrance, says Goldstein.

"There should only be one entrance and exit into any school property. Fences, security cameras, and a constant check that these areas have not been compromised is essential. At that one entrance, a guard must know exactly who it is that is entering the school property at all times. The guard should have the right to search all vehicles and bags."

Numerous inner city schools already have tight security, which includes kids walking through metal detectors and having bags searched upon entry.

There is no reason why the rest of America's schools lack this same security.

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