Saturday, March 24, 2018

Things to Ponder 3

Quote: "The cradle of individual liberty became the cradle of the nanny State—The deep sickness that infects England infects every large government in the world: once a people’s decision (like Brexit) is made, the leaders who carry out its provisions are the people who rule from the top, along with their sleazy, slime-ridden bureaucratic underlings. These obstructive underlings, in a free and open market, would be selling sand in the desert, if they were lucky. They certainly wouldn’t be sitting in desks in government offices staring out of windows. So now we have soft Brexit and hard Brexit, terms used to describe how the Brit vote to leave the European Union could be modified or adhered to. It’s a farce."  And, "Escalating floods of migrants entered Europe. This was a turning of the screw. Brought about by “upper management” of the Providers. The crimes and disruptions of these migrants have been well documented in independent media. The people of Europe had no say about the invasion. In fact, it soon became an offense to write about it or speak about it in a public forum. The lords of government would brook no opposition. The basic liberty—speaking freely—was on the line and under the boot heel. For years, a campaign of political correctness in speech had been waged all over Europe. It covered many areas. The EU had been aiding and abetting it. The “good life” was cracking at the seams. It wasn’t all good anymore. The Provider was becoming the Enforcer."  And, "Profound dissatisfaction and resistance can breed joy. Once upon a time, he knew that, and then he abandoned the knowledge for a syrupy potion of a New Age; now the bottle is dry. Now, he is the creator of his own enterprises; his own destiny. I say Europe will live again."    The good folks in Europe are seeing their past in a new light.  This new perspective may save them.  Time will tell.  Recent events have exposed the tyrannical left in our country. Its true self is clear for all to see.  It is ugly.  The lesson in this piece for us is that now that our country's political left has been exposed for the evil it is, now is the time for us to exert all our energies to totally refuting its evil. It must be rejected so that we can once again embrace individual freedoms as a birthright, not something government gives. The political left portends total tyranny not the good they pretend to offer. They corrupt the mind, institutions, societies, cultures and religions all for their benefit. They elevate Government to the status of god. Their form of government gives rights and takes them away at a whim, takes what it wants and demands more, makes demands of and controls all institutions of society, culture, economy, education and religion. No one can opt out. 
This item deals with the truth about the NAACP, truth the leftist Democrat party has long sought to hide from the public.  Quote: "“The NAACP was established by a coterie of white socialists who subsequently invited blacks into the organization. Its principal founder was Socialist Party member Mary White Ovington, and its first president was attorney Moorfield Storey. Two other white NAACP members, the pro-socialist Jane Addams and the father of progressive education, John Dewey, were also instrumental in organizing the American Civil Liberties Union. One of the NAACP's original organizers, W.E.B. Du Bois, believed in the communist ideology, often praised the success of Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong, and eventually joined the Communist Party USA. Du Bois served as the NAACP's director of publications and research, and in 1910 he established the organization's official journal, The Crisis. From 1909-34, DuBois was the organization's most prominent spokesman.”  And, "The NAACP is perhaps the most Anti-United States organization in the US. It demands what the Socialists and Communists within its organization wish to get. It does not reflect what the original Socialists that began the NAACP asked for. It is clearly shown to be an organization that is out to destroy the United States and make the society harder to live in by stirring up hate and accusations that for the most part are not true. But let us look at some more of this organization."  And, "The very people that claim to help them, the Democrats, once again hold blacks back. Democrats are very quick to say they help poor blacks, but that is never the truth.  Most of the time, Democrats just want to keep them poor so they will vote Democratic. Let's move forward to our recent times to show the NAACP is still linked to people that are out to undermine the United States and also linked to people with past ties to the German Nazi Party and that is in addition to the Communists and Socialists within the ranks of the NAACP."   

A sobering piece.  Quote: "Efforts to obliterate traditional, religious-based morality with a morality of state worship have invariably been miserable failures; see Marxism. Government is everywhere and always power and coercion, and compliance with its dictates and strictures rests not on recognition of their moral worthiness, but on recognition of the costly and painful consequences of failure to do so. Devolution has pushed morality down to the smallest social unit, the individual. Morality is a product of choices and choices are a matter of thought. Individualized morality—like all human thought—shaped in the trial and error of environments and circumstances best furthers the organic adaptation necessary for survival of the human species. It is like the English common law, incrementally developed and changed in light of what works and what doesn’t. The devolution of morality has not wiped out either good or evil, or the vast range of human thought and behavior that falls in between. Thomas More’s individual defiance of England’s centralized government and church is now reckoned as saintly. Stephen Paddock was the personification of evil, but in the chaos and terror he unleashed, there were incredible stories of courage and heroism."

Despite the efforts the mainstream media to make both former FBI Directors, Mueller and Comey look like the champions of liberty and diligent in their search for truth, both have a rather spotty history that suggests their past performance at best was spotty.  Both seem to think well of themselves and their accomplishments but they may be suffering from inflated egos.  This piece provides insights into their respective histories.  Quote: Regading the FBI's investigation into the 2008 anthrax scare, "Comey, in turn, was asked by a skeptical Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz if Hatfill was another Richard Jewell — the security guard wrongly accused of the Atlanta Olympics bombing. Comey replied that he was ‘absolutely certain’ they weren’t making a mistake.” Comey’s “absolute certainty” was dead wrong. The true criminal — Bruce Ivins — ended up committing suicide before authorities could catch him. It took years and a major lawsuit for the wrongly-accused Steven Hatfill to finally clear his own name. “The Justice Department announced Friday that it would pay $4.6 million to settle a lawsuit filed by Steven J. Hatfill,” stated the New York Times in 2008, some seven years after the botched investigation began. “Dr. Hatfill’s lawsuit, filed in 2003, accused FBI agents and Justice Department officials involved in the criminal investigation of the anthrax mailings of leaking information about him to the news media in violation of the Privacy Act,” continued the Times. Sound familiar?"  And, "A written statement from Hatfill and his legal team a decade ago could be an eerie warning of Mueller and Comey’s involvement in politically-motivated scandals. “We can only hope that the individuals and institutions involved are sufficiently chastened by this episode to deter similar destruction of private citizens in the future — and that we will all read anonymously sourced news reports with a great deal more skepticism,” the 2008 statement said. It seems Robert Mueller and James Comey are still on the same fool’s errands, only they’ve replaced anonymously sourced news reports with poorly written, shady dossiers. The more things change, the more they stay the same. One piece at a time, an alarming picture of the Obama-era FBI is starting to appear. Comey and Mueller are right in the middle, and they may not be the paragons of virtue or professionalism that we were led to believe."

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