Monday, March 19, 2018

McCabe Firing Shows Evidence of IG and Outside Prosecutor Working Together…

Mr. McCabe and his counsel were given limited access to a draft of the OIG report late last month, did not see the final report and the evidence on which it is based until a week ago, and were receiving relevant exculpatory evidence as recently as two days ago.

¹A DOJ Inspector General conducting an internal investigation; Appropriate congressional oversight; and the collection of evidence that might also be used in criminal indictments.

Within the IG collection of evidence there are two competing issues: #1) Evidence of misconduct and political bias; and #2) evidence of illegal activity; this is where the "Outside DC prosecutor" comes in.

Why? Because, just like the Contreras issue within the Strzok and Page text messages, there's a possibility specific texts are evidence of a crime.

Go back to December 2nd, 2017, when the first reports of the IG investigative findings were hitting the news media and you'll note IG Horowitz said he has no issues with congressional oversight getting his investigative evidence with the approval FROM the DOJ. In this example the "Prosecutor", working with Horowitz, has to make a determination if a potential criminal case would be compromised by allowing the release of specific information/evidence gathered by the Inspector General.

With a prosecutor already working with Inspector General Horowitz that person already has a thorough knowledge of all the evidence.

It's more than likely there's already a Grand Jury seated somewhere hearing the criminal evidence he/she has carved out from the overwhelming IG evidence as collected.

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