Saturday, February 17, 2018

Workings of Russia's 'Troll Farm' detailed in federal grand jury indictment

On Friday a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., returned a 37-page indictment detailing just how involved the operation became in the 2016 presidential election.

The extensive operation described in the indictment largely put to rest any notion Russians were not meddling in U.S. politics.

Mr. Prighozin's rubles also allegedly funded trips to America in which operatives - the indictment accused Aleksandra Yuryevna Krylova and Anna Vladislavovna Bogocheva as being two of them - "Collected intelligence."

Said "Intelligence" would late color the bogus organizations "Factory" trolls pushed on social media platforms and their supposedly legit rallies in the U.S. Back in 2015, before the first votes were even cast in the party primaries, the New York Times described "The Agency," shorthand for "The Internet Research Agency," now one of the federal defendants.

The indictment alleges the trolls' target changed.

The goal became to "Sow discord in the U.S. political system." With fake Black Lives Matter posts and stolen identities, "Hundreds" of trolls with budgets in the millions worked at that task relentlessly, according to the indictment.

The "Factory" itself called this "Information warfare against the United States," the indictment reads.

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