Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Adam Schiff's SICK Hypocrisy on National Security Brilliantly Exposed

Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House - changes not approved by the Committee.

"BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House - changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release."

Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes.

"Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes. B) One change requested by FBI due to sources & methods concerns. C) One two-word change requested by Democrats for accuracy."

On FBI-requested change to House Intel memo, remember that Nunes showed memo to Wray on Sunday, to two FBI officials on Monday, and WH showed to five more FBI officials on Tuesday.

"On FBI-requested change to House Intel memo, remember that Nunes showed memo to Wray on Sunday, to two FBI officials on Monday, and WH showed to five more FBI officials on Tuesday," he wrote.

"The only thing I was aware of were making some grammatical changes, and making sure that we did not describe someone's job if it was a matter of national security, but the content wasn't changed," the Ohio Republican said. 

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