Thursday, February 22, 2018

On Russia, Democrats Try To Rewrite History

Apparently, the Poles disagreed with both Putin and Obama.

By the time Obama, and most Democrats, were mocking Mitt Romney for warning about Russian geopolitical threats, Medvedev had little reason to "Transmit" the president's promise on missile defense "To Vladimir." Obama and Medvedev had already signed a treaty to shrink their nations' nuclear arsenals.

Bill Browder, one of the driving forces behind the act, noted that the Obama administration, "Starting with Hillary Clinton and then John Kerry, did everything they could do to stop the Magnitsky Act.".

"President Obama has made Russia's W.T.O. membership a top priority for U.S.-Russia relations in 2011," the administration explained at the time.

Putin, according to Obama, helped make the Iran Deal happen.

If there's any evidence of Obama calling our Russian human rights violations, I have yet to find it.

If there is any evidence of Obama calling out Putin directly, it is well hidden. 

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