Monday, February 19, 2018

Stop Putting Traumatized Teenagers On Television

There is little new about the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida that left 17 people dead. We have seen it all before: the cocktail of a disturbed young man, access to guns, and a society that devalues life mixed to create another national tragedy.

On television and at rallies, the children are taking the lead to denounce America's laws about guns and push for political change.

What if putting traumatized teenagers, mere days removed from a shocking and life-changing event, in front of cameras and crowds is not healthy? Have we thought that through?

The day after the mass shooting, we first started seeing students appear on the news.

By the weekend after the shooting, news outlets were interviewing sincere teenagers about gun policy and reporting on the Never Again movement they were launching, and the march they planned for next month.

As many adults who were once abused children will tell you, that can seem like a welcome responsibility.

The children of Parkland are not going to solve our nation's problem with mass shootings. 

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