Saturday, February 17, 2018

Communities, not government, hold the key to stopping mass shootings

The mass killing this week in Parkland, Florida, by a 19-year-old troubled young man undoubtedly hurts the arguments and intentions of law-abiding gun owners everywhere.

Law-abiding gun owners assume that there are sufficient background checks, since they themselves have to answer to whether they are mentally ill and so forth on forms before purchasing firearms.

As a responsible gun owner, I don't want people like the shooter being able to attain high-powered rifles.

Like clockwork, pro-disarmament forces within the country seek to destroy the reputations and humanity of law-abiding gun owners.

All law-abiding gun owners want their right to possess a weapon for self-defense.

Again, we assume those reports would be on a record of the person obtaining a gun.

We have allowed generations to be afraid of guns rather than to be educated on them.

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