Friday, September 2, 2016

The Problem with Socialism!

The Problem with Socialism!  "The target audience is the millennial generation (and their parents), so many of whom have expressed support for socialism, of all things, with hundreds of thousands of them becoming Bernie Sanders supporters.  This is a shocking development, a quarter of a century after the spectacular worldwide collapse of socialism.  It is the consequence of several decades of extreme political correctness in our educational system where conservatives who might have educated our young people about the reality of socialism have been so effectively censored.  So I’ve written what I believe is a straightforward, easy-to-understand book with sixteen short chapters that explain why “millennials” should not want socialism in their future.  Some of the topics include why socialism makes inequality in society worse; the evils of the bureaucratization of society; the brutal death toll of socialism in the twentieth century; the myth of “successful” Scandinavian socialism; how fascism was a form of socialism; why socialism is far worse for the environment than capitalism; how welfare harms the poor; the destructiveness of the “progressive” income tax; and the second plank of the ten planks in The Communist Manifesto.

This is a myth buster.  Socialism in Nordic countries is not what the liberals claim.  Quote: "Liberal American politicians often cite Nordic countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark as proof that big government or socialist policies can lead to vibrant, prosperous nations, but a leading economic scholar says those countries are successful despite more government and are actually proof that such policies are a failure.  Dr. Nima Sanandaji is author of “Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism.” He told WND and Radio America liberals and socialists in America and beyond frequently extol the Nordic countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland for one simple reason.  “If you remove the Nordic countries, the left doesn’t have any role models left,” he said. “The left doesn’t say, ‘Look at California. They have big government. It works.’ They don’t say that. They don’t say, ‘Look at Italy. They have social democratic policies. That works.’ They only point to the Nordic countries.”

This is how the socialist left is destroying the middle class.  Quote: "The destruction, the annihilation, the conspiracy to destroy the middle class is real. The murder of the middle class is not a theory. It’s not an opinion. It’s not a figgment of my imagination. It’s a proven fact.  Three studies were published backing up what I’m saying. Sometimes, timing isn’t important—it’s everything."

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