Friday, September 30, 2016

Escaping The Mess We Are In

As noted above, at the root of the racial conflicts now facing our country is the failed War on Poverty. It has been well documented that government policies, as part of the War on Poverty, spawned the destruction of the two parent family unit, lured people into destructive government dependence as a way of life, facilitated the decline of individual responsibility, lowered education standards and promoted sexual immorality.  These policies have hurt the overall health of the nation but has impacted the black community especially hard.  This item written by a black man discusses his experiences and affirms that the restoration of the family unit, enhanced education and restoration of sexual morality standards are the keys to overcoming our current racial problems.  He also notes that our religious institutions have a large role to play if we are to ever overcome the mess we are now in.

As you read this item keep in mind that progressivism/liberalism and collectivism are two peas in a pod.  Quote: "Collectivism causes all race problems. You cannot have racism, racial divides, and race issues without collectivist thinking.  Collectivist thought emphasizes the significance of groups—their identities, goals, rights, outcomes, etc over the significance of the individual. Poke around Quora and you'll find lots of weird questions that treat black people, white people, Asians, republicans, men, and women, and other massive groups of individuals as monolithic hive minds. "Do women like bald guys?" "What do black people think about . . ." "Why do whites always . . ."The solution for collectivist thought, and in turn racism and the racial divide, is for everyone to remember that we are individuals first and avoid thinking of people as members of groups." And, "I'd also point out that the racial divide is not caused by judging people, it's caused by judging people the wrong way--by the color of their skin. By lumping people into groups rather than taking each individual as he or she comes. King didn't hope that his grandchildren would not be judged at all; he hoped that they'd be judged individually by the content of their character."  The moral of this item is that progressive led governmental policies which promote collectivism are destructive to civil societies and must come to a halt if we are to survive as a free nation.

The counter-point black American, Charles Payne, makes in this piece is a good one.  Quote: "Morrison then explained, “The solution for us is for us to take some self-dignity, self-pride, by us unifying, understand that before we’re American we’re African first, that’s why it’s African-American.”  But Payne disagreed, saying, “I think we’re all Americans first and foremost.  I am an American and I’m of African descent and I’m proud of that, but I’m more proud of being an American more than anything else.”"   Ask yourself has President Obama ever displayed anything close to what Charles said?  Has he promoted the ideal of one nation under God and liberty for all?  Although not always the case in the past, our Constitution provides equality to everyone, regardless of race.  Policies and actions that divide have no place in government, academia, business/industry or private life.  Collectivism promotes all the wrong things by segregating our nation of individual Americans into groups which serves to promote discord instead of unity.  We are all Americans.  There should be no use of hyphenated designations of race, religion, sexual orientation, class or anything else which serves more to divide than unite. 

This item is relatively long but worth the read because it is filled with common sense and rational thought.  The piece ends with these two sentences.  Quote: "Political correctness does not unify the people, is not tolerant, and it actually prevents the truth from being told. Together Americans of all colors can do great things but we are never going to be unified if we keep credulously falling for the same tired media-driven political lies and divisive ‘social justice’ movements."   Political correctness and misguided social justice efforts are a product of progressivism, liberalism, Democrat thinking and should be utterly destroyed.

There are some novel ideas being offered to "fix" our problems with law enforcement.  This recommendation comes from Los Angeles. Quote: "With police shootings dominating the news, the Los Angeles Police Commission has a novel idea to avoid the kind of controversies seen from Ferguson, Mo., to Charlotte, N.C.  When confronted with an armed suspect, run away.  The Los Angeles Police Protective League is none too happy about the advice."  That is sure to scare the perpetrators into behaving, don't you think?  And a Massachusetts judge has ruled that it is legal for black suspects to run from police.  Consider the facts. Quote: " A Massachusetts judge passed a law making it legal for black men to run from police because they are at risk of being racially profiled. WHAT'S TRUE: The highest court in Massachusetts cited a "document[ed] pattern of racial profiling of black males in the city of Boston" as cause for black men to be disinclined to interact with officers.  WHAT'S FALSE: The ruling didn't explicitly state or establish as law that "black men ... have good reason to run from police."  This is idiotic on its face.  If perpetrators or suspects of criminal activity would do one simple thing the problem would not be as it now is.  They should simply obey the officer!!!  If innocent all is well.  If not a legitimate they must face the consequences - which is likely why most resist.  Progressive policies that subvert the law are establishing the very real fact that potential/real criminals are becoming another leftist protected class.  The pattern of behavior that has Black Lives Matter up in arms is built on cases where the police were doing their jobs with the people shot either defying the police, ignoring them, challenging them or making threatening gestures.  Ask yourself what are the police to do in such cases?  Bear in mind that most if not all of the people in recent incidences were known to the police and had criminal records.  So, what does the law abiding public deserve?  Is it reasonable for the courts and civic leaders to tell potential criminals it is okay to run from police and not to obey a lawful order?  Is it not reasonable for police to seek to determine if someone is or has committed a crime?  Get real!!  Police are there to protect the public, not potential or real criminals.  The whole black lives matter movement is based on a false premise, white cops kill blacks with impunity.  And the political left is aiding and abetting them to the detriment of innocent citizens and civil order.  This does not mean police should be allowed to commit crimes against anyone.  If they do so and if proven true, then they deserve punishment.  But this black lives matter movement is contrived nonsense and if allowed to continue will undermine the ability of the police to protect law abiding citizens they are there to serve. 

To me a much more serious concern is why Obama, Lynch, Hillary and others on the left pursue this "white cops kill blacks with impunity" narrative with such vengeance and all the while completely ignoring the very high volume of black on black crime.  The numbers of deaths from those crimes are astronomical when compared to white on black numbers, most of which are the result of police encounters.  Yet the left ignores this in favor of charging white cops with racism???   While a very small percentage may be it is more likely that most are not.  The facts established in previous paragraphs suggest that the left's misguided support for Black Lives Matter and their respective crimes, in fact, strongly suggests that they are the real racists in this game since such actions aid and abet criminal racial agitation for political gain.  The problem is that their self serving, self appointed superiority and outsized arrogance does not permit them to acknowledge the truth.

The bottom line is nothing will change so long as progressive government policies sustain the welfare state, retains tax policies beneficial to single parent fatherless homes, funds ceaseless and mostly black abortions, fosters illegal/unethical behaviors, encourages government dependence rather than promoting work, fails to encourage self reliance, promotes group rights while diminishing individual rights, promotes policies that encourage sexual promiscuity, fosters continued declines in educational achievement, denigrates/criminalizes religious moral precepts and more.

George Burns

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