Friday, September 2, 2016

Left vs Right 3

Consider this truth.  Quote: "Political correctness, at its core, is an insidious demand that you dismiss the evidence you witness with your own eyes, replacing it with delusional, false narratives that have been shoved into your head by the conforming, obedient masses.  Political correctness means that if you are looking at red barn and 100 of your peers ridicule you while saying it's a BLUE barn, you must nod your head in agreement and surrender, "Yes, it's blue." Even when it's actually red. Political correctness is, essentially, a war on logic and reason. 2+2=5, Winston!  Political correctness is rooted in the demented notion that social memes now overrule physical and biological reality, requiring you to reject things that are real and replace them with beliefs that are fabricated out of thin air for political purposes. That this process now dominates modern society is proof that our world is run by the mentally ill... and that hoards of mentally ill obedient sheeple are more than happy to go along with the shared delusions that stem from such mental illness."

It is long past time that the Democrat party admit their history of blatant racism.  Today's happy face is nothing but a façade.  Quote: "Democrats continue their 200-year tradition of setting low standards for African Americans. "Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." - Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)   “I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.” – Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1961  “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness” - Lyndon B. Johnson (1963)  “I’ll have those n**gers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon B. Johnson confiding in two governors why the passage of his civil rights and welfare legislation was important (1963)."
Worth the few minutes read time.  Thoughtful.  Quote: "You’ve probably heard me gripe before about how in newsrooms, the agonizing that management does over the “lack of diversity” there is real and never-ending (really, it is; I’ve been to professional conferences, read memos, heard newsroom discussions, etc.). But it’s a sham diversity, and always has been. Most of them, they do not want any kind of intellectual diversity. They want fifteen shades of the same kind of liberal. And here’s the thing: I am convinced that they honestly don’t know what they’re doing. But they’re doing it, and they believe it makes them virtuous. In my experience, most arguments don’t even matter. This is, for them — and in my experience, they are almost always white people — they want not to improve the quality of newsgathering (though that’s what they say they’re after), but rather to feel good about themselves, and to win the respect and affection of others within their professional circles by signaling their virtue.  You know, a real Marxist could probably see this. Any half-wit conservative could see this (and I’ll have you know, I’m not just any half-wit conservative, no sirree). But so very many within the professional journalism bubble are blind as bats.  OK, that’s the dead horse I keep beating. I know. But it’s of a piece with that other liberal-dominated institution, the university. It’s the way establishment liberals roll. Hillary can start as many small wars in brown-people countries as she wants, and shake her money maker in front of as many Wall Street bigs as makes her happy, but as long as she fights to let ladyboys into the girls’ locker room, all is forgiven by her crowd."

We the taxpayers have been paying for the leftist propaganda our government is producing to convince us that it's policies are the right ones and obviously the intent is to steer us further and further to the divisive, unconstitutional, immoral, anti-religious, unethical, dishonest, debased left.  Read about what we have paid for with funds our government extracted from us.  Quote: "Billboards about “gender-stereotyping,” LGBT book clubs for kids, an opera about child bullying, and poetry about climate change are all being billed to the taxpayers as new projects from the National Endowment for the Arts. Issues of immigration, green energy, and gun control are each featured in art projects announced by the agency last month. The latest list of grants is consistent with the first round of projects for 2016, which included plays about food stamps and lesbian gun control activist."  These are the tactics that have long been used by socialist and communist governments.  Obama is trying his best to bring that type of utopian paradise to our country.  And like all good socialist leaders he is making innocent people pay for "his" dream.  Given the support Bernie and Hillary have this election cycle Obama, our public schools, colleges and universities not to mention a doting and complicit mainstream media have been doing quite well propagandizing "our" children and turning them into good little amoral anti-religious government loving socialist robots.   All failed states that have adopted socialism, Argentina being the latest, either are or ended up basket cases.  As with all idealistic socialistic politicians they think the problem is not with socialism itself but they way it has been implemented by flawed socialists who did not understand the wonders of socialism when properly understood and implemented.  Now, that is an oxymoron if ever there was one.

How far down the road are progressives going to travel to destroy common language and replace it with political correct catch phrases.  This is as idiotic as it gets.  Quote: "A North Carolina school district is requesting that teachers not refer to students as “boys and girls,” but rather as students or scholars. This is one among several rules that pertain to the district’s anti-bullying policy. WSOC-TV reported on a couple others:  One policy allows students to participate in extracurricular activities and overnight field trips based on their gender identity. A student who identifies as a girl would be allowed to participate in an “all-girl” overnight trip.  Another policy says CMS [Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools] must evaluate all gender-based activities and “maintain only those that have clear and sound pedagogical purpose.”   Leftist idiots like this are dangerous and they seem to be purposely screwing with kids heads.

This leftist Democrat effort in the Senate is blatantly unethical.  Facts not attacks should be the manner in which debates occur. I am increasingly angry at the unsavory methods and means Democrats use to get their way.  Way, way too often they ignore facts and play on emotions to sway votes their way.  Ask yourself why we are in the mess we are and I think you will find the answer to be that facts/honesty/justice/ethics/reality are less important to Democrats than pulling heartstrings of the weak and walking us down the primrose path.  Quote: "Democratic senators have been assigned conservative nonprofit groups to call out by name on the chamber floor in speeches on Monday and Tuesday criticizing corporations and advocacy groups for opposing Democratic climate policies, internal emails reveal.  Nineteen Senate Democrats will attack specific organizations in what they are calling a “web of denial,” according to a schedule of floor speeches circulated by Emily Enderle, a top environmental policy adviser to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.), who is spearheading the effort."   If the facts backed up this misguided tactic might make sense.  But, increasingly the facts are refuting their unwarranted support and irrational religious adherence to a crumbling empire of faulty climate change logic and science.

This is absolutely ridiculous if not totally arrogant and audacious.  Secular unreligious humanistic government in Iowa has the audacity to think it is qualified to tell people what is religious doctrine and what is not???  The left is going to he** in a hand basket.  Quote: “After this lawsuit was filed, the commission revised its guidance document,” a brief filed in support of the request for an injunction said. “The commission continued to single out places of worship for special instruction and to sanction churches that communicate their beliefs about biological sex, and operate their facilities consistent with those beliefs, when they engage in ‘non-religious activities.’ The commission does not define the newly minted and vague term ‘non-religious activities,’ reserving to itself the unbridled discretion to determine for a church which of its activities are religious and which are not.”  The brief said that for “the first time in our nation’s history, state officials are reaching into the internal affairs of churches to silence them from teaching and publicly promoting a central tenet of their faith and forcing them to operate their own facilities in a way that contradicts their faith.”     This is another consequence one of Obama's devilish attempts to destroy the Christian culture that used to underpin American laws, culture and society.  His idea of a replacement is lawlessness, hedonism and societal discord.

George Burns

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