Friday, May 6, 2016

The Left's War on Women

The left claims the right is engaged in a war on women.  In fact the opposite is true.  Quote: "The war on real women by the left is clearly evident. The case of the lady from Washington is proof. Of course, when the leftists threw their temper tantrum, they started lying because it is the only way to get what they want. There is no truth, or common sense behind their actions, so they lie in an attempt to get their way. Someone reported this lady's picture as "having nudity" to Facebook in an attempt to have the evil, bigoted common sense post removed. A woman truly stands up for women, the crossdressing men get upset, and the progressives laud the make up masqueraders. This is where we are in this culture.  Transgenders cannot and will not ever know what it is like to be a real woman. I do not care if they get surgery to change their sex. There is no surgery that can change their chromosomes, or give them maternal instincts. That leaves them still being a man, no matter how much they pay a doctor to mutilate their body. They can never love, nurture, or care like a woman. And there is no bathroom or clothing in this world that will allow them to do so."   Saying you are not what your/genetic/biological makeup says you are does not make it so.  To accept that as a legitimate reason to turn them into a special class of protected people is devoid of any logic.  Yet, the left embraces a most uncertain emotional dilemma faced by some as uncontestable truth.

The contents of this piece will disgust those who respect all people no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, etc.,etc..  Quote: "What we have here, essentially, are various (Leftist/ “progressive”) movements and individuals trying to discover -- or invent -- yet more minorities to exploit for their own political/social ends. Thus today we have to take on board the following identities and backgrounds: cisgender (female/male at birth, and still identifying as female/male), national origin, criminal record, race and ethnicity, class/socioeconomic background, ideology, religion, immigrant status, refugee status, body type, educational background, appearance... ad infinitumSome sorry souls are the victims of various “axes of oppression”. There are some people, for example, who are transgender, black, and poor."

This item deals with the irrational and unconstitutional treatment of the First Amendment when considering that GLBTs with their new found rights appear to seek out for punishment those having legitimate differences with their lifestyle. They charge that Christians have no First Amendment rights of conscience or no rights to their firmly held religious beliefs because the progressive left and the government said so.  In other words their sexual orientation not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution but sanctioned by an irresponsible liberal government trumps the fundamental rights of conscience that the Constitution clearly protects.

A cogent piece regarding irrational leftist thinking. Quote: "The fact that liberal/commie/socialist/Nazi pukes cannot figure out which bathroom is more suitable for easing their primordial urges doesn’t astonish me. They are innately stupid and blinded by their need to feel morally superior to others who don’t slavishly adhere to the most current faux issues/idiocy. They cannot help themselves. What amazes me is the way such stupidity and arrogance go unchallenged by the folks among us who have jobs, pay exorbitant taxes and think their fellow citizens have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I do not espouse violence, but remember what T. Jefferson said about Revolution." 

The mainstream media, ESPN in this case, has a blatant double standard.  It is so obvious that it is impossible to trust anything they say because you never know how much or little their biases drive their words. Anyway, ESPN fired conservative Curt Shilling for voicing his opinion about what he believes is a bad liberal policy but lets hard liberals say anything they want about any subject, even lambasting conservatives and their positions.   I was once a big ESPN fan. No more.  I do not cotton up to sportscasters engaged in political correctness activities.  Their job is sports, not pontificating about or mistreating those who have a different view of what our culture is or should be.

The political left is increasingly going off the rails.  The unbelievable things they are up to is, well, unbelievable.  Quote: "Ah, the laughable illogic of the left.  The latest trend towards insanity in liberal America comes to us from the West Coast, where California has just instituted one of the most maniacal prison rules I’ve ever encountered. In an attempt to remain consistently insane with their liberal politically correct rationale, the government of California has decided to allow any male prisoner who says that he is a woman to spend their incarceration inside of a women’s prison!"

Progressivism and liberalism are so irrational, irresponsiblel and hypocritical that it makes you want to cry.  Can anyone tell me how the leaders of these 16 liberal PC adherent companies can live with themselves?  They are Politically Correct operations except when they are not.  Quote: "As the debate over balancing the desires of transgender Americans (about .3% of our population) with the rights of the vast majority of Americans (the other 99.7% of us) has raged, many prominent liberal voices have been raised in attack on those with more traditional beliefs. For example, when the states of Texas and North Carolina chose to stand against the city councils of Houston and Charlotte who tried to force their citizens into “genderless” bathrooms, liberals in the media and in corporate America objected. When Mississippi, Indiana, Georgia, and other states considered or passed laws protecting the religious liberty of their citizens, these same voices raised more objections.  Liberals argued that the religious rights of some Americans to believe and practice as they see fit (without hurting others) was not as important as the desire for the transgendered to be happy with where they defecate."  Do you really think it is right/logical/coherent/responsible to place at risk half of our over 310 million citizens who are female because 0.3% of the population born males who despite their male anatomy legitimately or not "think" they are females?  Consider the motives of the disturbed and dangerous predators that could, already have and will in the future take advantage.

A good way to wrap up this segment.  Quote: ""My right." Sigh. The rights, the verities of the larger society yield in every case these days to the demands, the claims of the self-empowered. Agree with 'em, or lose any reputation you ever had for sensitivity, tolerance, fairness and receptivity to the formerly unknown and now just barely sensed.  Acceptance of a compromise -- the public's provision of a genially sex-neutral bathroom, for those who want such a thing -- would fail to serve the purpose. Sometimes choice goes too far. In the present instance, it could leave you wondering (if I'm Bruce/Caitlyn) whether or not you have beaten your head on the floor in humble submission to my demand for acknowledgment -- of the new, improved, undoubtedly wonderful Me.

That's the Great Transgender Bathroom Debate in the proverbial nutshell: a contest for power over imputed critics and foes. As Edward G. Robinson enjoined in the old TV commercial, "You do it my way, see?" That's until we see, coming toward us, the next imposition on historical, civic, philosophical and theological understandings that the left (all this stuff comes from the left, naturally) wishes to impose on contemporary thought.  Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders? Sorry, kids, they're just bystanders, onlookers. The battle to reshape civilization goes on not at the polls but in the high school restroom."

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