Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sexual Tyranny

If you want a short detailing of the mess being made by the leftist/progressive's single minded "protect the unique real or imagined sexuality of minority populations" and punish the majority for not going along, this item does it very, very well.  Quote: "This is where we’re at, folks. With an eye firmly fixed on our Second Amendment rights, leftism has not so subtly seeped into every area of our lives. The American majority is subjugated, conquered, and oppressed. The immoral minority rules and tells America how to think, what to say, how much money we can keep, and even dictates which lightbulbsand what doctor we have permission to use. The inviolability of our property rights has been subverted, our borders shattered, and our senses legally dulled. Enemy soldiers are being imported to overthrow us, millions of acres of our lands have been seized, the First Amendment suppressed, and, above all, the sanctity and sanity of American life greatly diminished. Face it; every day this nation is nudged ever closer to the precipice progressives have been industriously molding for decades. And as part of that progression, tolerant children will soon be sharing restrooms with transgenders, pansexuals, and amorous biromantics."

The world has been turned upside down.  The progressive powers that be have made sexual orientation a more fundamental than rights of conscious.  Look over the constitution and tell me where sexual orientation trumps conscience.  Not there.   But modern day progressive politicians, judges, LBGT activists and misguided worship of sexual deviance by the left has chosen to rewrite history and created out of thin air a new right, but not one resident in the constitution.  And the LBGT is bullying its way forward without any regard for the rights of those they defeated in their sordid battle to sanctify their sexual issues.   This is but one example of this sordid and misguided movement.   What lessons are we teaching our children?  For those who dare, this piece is most instructive of this whole unsavory mess.

Progressivism and liberalism is so irrational and hypocritical that it makes you want to cry.  Can anyone tell me how these 16 liberal companies can live with themselves?  They are Politically Correct except when they are not.  Quote: "As the debate over balancing the desires of transgender Americans (about .3% of our population) with the rights of the vast majority of Americans (the other 99.7% of us) has raged, many prominent liberal voices have been raised in attack on those with more traditional beliefs. For example, when the states of Texas and North Carolina chose to stand against the city councils of Houston and Charlotte who tried to force their citizens into “genderless” bathrooms, liberals in the media and in corporate America objected. When Mississippi, Indiana, Georgia, and other states considered or passed laws protecting the religious liberty of their citizens, these same voices raised more objections.  Liberals argued that the religious rights of some Americans to believe and practice as they see fit (without hurting others) was not as important as the desire for the transgendered to be happy with where they defecate."

The real motivations of the progressive/liberal/Democrat amoral socialist agenda rears its ugly head again.  The deceptions being imposed on the public are criminal.  This time the LBGT community is not asking but DEMANDING that President Obama in effect remove any restrictions on bathroom usage by either sex in public schools across America.  See what your evil agenda has wrought?  You should be ashamed of the insane immorality you have fostered.   This proposition is a sexual predator's dream come true.  Historic facts suggest there is a match with the proclivities of a large percentage of the LBGT community, not to mention pedophiles and other sexual deviants.

Staying on the subject of outrageous LBGT activists, these three items do a good job of laying out the facts and the folly of their pursuit of decadent aims.   And,   Explain to me how this example could and will not invite predators in women's restrooms.  Think especially of little girls.  Man, what a mess to satisfy the interests of 0.3% of the population. Not an ounce of logic in that.   It almost seems that the left is purposely promoting the "wonderful world" of transsexualism, not to mention the entire GLBT life style.

This highlight the disconnect our president and the whole of the political left has with truth, justice and morality when compared to reality. Quote: "When President Obama was in England, he slammed North Carolina’s new law that protected women from men who think they are women or “identify” as women, as so-called transgenders.  Here’s what he said during a joint press conference in London with British Prime Minister David Cameron: “I want everybody here in the United Kingdom to know that people of North Carolina and Mississippi are wonderful people and beautiful states, and you are welcome. You should come and enjoy yourselves, and I think you will be treated with extraordinary hospitality. I also think that the laws that have been passed there are wrong and should be overturned.”  Now compare that statement to this REALITY.  "Pres. Obama declares that there is a “war on women” (I’m using the politically charged meme of Democrats) in the United States while saying almost nothing about what Muslims are doing to women around the world: “Kurdish news outlets have reported the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) executed 250 girls and women who refused to become their sex slaves or enter temporary marriages with terrorists."   Both he and the entire progressive left embrace irrationality and insanity in the face of rationality, logic and reality.

I suggest everyone read this item.  It applies reason and logic to LBGT illogic mess now running rampant.  Quote: "There are inherent, deeply flawed assumptions behind this latest leftist gimcrackery posturing as a human rights issue.  It's time to consider what is really going behind the "bathroom" bills.  It is past time to evaluate the campaigns against the religious freedoms of Christians and other people of faith who believe – as all civilizations of the past have  that there is a clear and innate differentiation between men and women that cannot be erased by an act of will.  The correlating belief is that there is a moral code of sexual behavior that cannot be abrogated or entirely discarded without disastrous consequences to any given society.  For one thing, behind the push for passing the "bathroom" bills is the utopian belief that this Earth must be made be a safe place for everyone, no matter what the identity of choice or the resultant behavior.  The belief that no one should have his or her beliefs or actions controverted or challenged by anyone else, the idea that my real self is what I proclaim it to be, is derived from a utopianism that at heart is completely divorced from reality."

If this can happen in the men's room where else do you think it could happen?

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