Monday, May 16, 2016

Confessions of a House Dem: Doesn't Read Bills, Told How to Vote, Reelection Top Priority

"Voters are incredibly ignorant and know little about our form of government and how it works."

A new tell-all book about the inner workings of Congress is set for release later this month that has Washington D.C. buzzing. It's called The Confessions of Congressman X and it promises "a devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress as revealed by one of its own."
All that is known about the anonymous congressman is that he is a Democrat and sat down with Robert Atkinson, a former staffer for two congressional Dems, who took notes during several meetings and received the blessing to publish the conversations. 
The deep-seated corruption that this insider's look reveals isn't all that surprising to most readers weary of a bloated federal government, but it's unsettling nonetheless.
On voting:
Fundraising is so time-consuming I seldom read any bills I vote on. I don't even know how they'll be implemented or what they'll cost.
My staff gives me a last-minute briefing before I go to the floor and tells me whether to vote yea or nay. How bad is that?
I sometimes vote "yes" on a motion and "no" on an amendment so I can claim I'm on either side of an issue.
It's the old shell game: if you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. 

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