Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Difference Between The Left And Right

Much has been written and spoken about the political left and right.  Most writings are constructed so as to present their respective views in the most favorable light while doing the opposite for the other side.  The contents of this item will likely be considered more to the right than the left.  But all points made are defensible based on factual history.  While I do indeed lean right the contents of this note will help clarify why that is so.  Bits of history are included to provide needed context.  This political season provides a good reason to engage in this discussion. 

Here is Dennis Prager providing his insights on the subject of differences between the political left and right:  

These are writings by Walter Williams regarding progressivism, socialism and spreading the wealth.

This item refutes claims routinely made by socialists and progressives of all stripes that Jesus was a socialist.

These are some random items worthy of review to facilitate needed dialogue missing in today's political environment due to progressive/leftist political correctness dictates.  (note this item was written in 1956)

George Burns

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