Saturday, November 14, 2015

More About Science - It Is Being Abused For Political Purposes? 2

An assessment of the plans for the Paris climate change conference.  EPA's Clean Power Plan (CPP) is part of Obama's overall climate change scheme.  This piece outlines the issue.  Quote: "CPP is loathed by most Republicans, some Democrats, industry associations and business groups, utilities, coal companies, and mining interests. Therefore, less than 12 hours after publication in the Federal Register, it became “the most heavily litigated environmental regulation ever”—with more than 15 separate cases from 26 states and countless industry groups filed against it in just two days. All the lawsuits have been consolidated into one case at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. It is widely expected to ultimately be heard before the Supreme Court—which may not hear the case until 2018. By the time a final ruling is made, the Obama Administration believes that, as was the case with the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, industry will have already done so much to comply with the rule that the high court’s decision will be almost irrelevant. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) states: “Even if CPP is … junked by the courts, they’re hoping to intimidate the states and dictate the U.S. energy mix for a generation.”

Even NASA now agrees global warming is not happening.  The polar ice caps are growing.   

Irresponsible scientists want the government to protect them against those who oppose their falsely declared truth.  Quote: "The final word here is this: the heads of George Mason University, the University of Washington, Rutgers University, the University of Maryland, Florida State University, the University of Miami, the University of Texas at Austin, and Columbia University should be embarrassed to have professors on staff with such a profound ignorance or intentional disregard for the First Amendment and the need for robust, unchecked, vibrant debate not just in the university setting, but in American society, culture, and politics."  

Consequences may befall the scientists who requested Obama to arrest those who disagree with them.  The increasingly shrill challenges being made by global warming/climate advocates suggests to me that they are frightened by their many failed predictions and the rise of evidence of global cooling.  They fear they just may be wrong but cant or don't want admit it so they double down on those who disagree with them.  It will not work because truth will eventually emerge.  Go back to the first two items in this email.  Their whole commitment to their cause is built on lies. 

This provides an example of the tyrannical approach Obama takes in running his office.  It is another example of his defiance of the Constitution and repeated bypassing Congress to do what he wants to do.  This arrogance suggests that only he knows what is right and proper.  As we all know human caused climate change is far, far from being settled science.  He does not care and continues actions that waste resources, hurt families, especially the poor, and reeks havoc on the nation's economy.

Here is just one more consequence of Obama's tyrannical reign.  The claim scientists made to refuse a Congressional request to release information about how they arrived at numbers which do not match known data is a dodge.  It supports Obama's position on man made climate change and they cannot reveal the truth which is that they likely cooked the books in support of his agenda. Quote: "Earlier this summer, a group of “scientists” led by a couple of US government employees, published an utterly fraudulent paper which, in effect, erased the decline in global surface temperatures. They did this by the rather elegant method of simply changing the recorded temperatures to something else."  And, "The more we know about how NOAA, and the climate change Jerry Sanduskys funded by NOAA, operate the more it is apparent that the entire field is fraudulent up to its myopic eyeballs and exists solely to suck cash out of the federal government and to arrogate power and importance to a lot of very little and inconsequential men whose inadequate personal lives make them want to lord it over the rest of us."   Strong opionion I know but I suspect it is pretty accurate.

This is an example of the corruption that results when government and science research mix.  Two quotes: "The plan by climate alarmists to have other scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called “the largest science scandal in US history.”  And, Senator Lamar Smith "... has two main areas of concern.  First, the apparent engagement by the institute in “partisan political activity” – which, as a non-profit, it is forbidden by law from doing.  Second, what precisely has the IGES institute done with the $63 million in taxpayer grants which it has received since 2001 and which appears to have resulted in remarkably little published research?  For example, as Watts Up With That? notes, a $4.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to one of the institute’s offshoots appears to have resulted in just one published paper.  But the amount which has gone into the pockets of Shukla and his cronies runs into the many hundreds of thousands of dollars. In 2013 and 2014, for example, Shukla and his wife enjoyed a combined income in excess of $800,000 a year."

More and more I am disgusted with the dishonesty and ruthlessness of the climate change/global warming crowd.  In France the government sent the country's top weather expert on enforced leave as punishment for not abiding the Climate Change demand for total submission to its dogma. Quote: "The chief weatherman for France’s top state broadcaster has been sent on enforced leave after publishing a book that questions the accuracy of climate change models.  Philippe Verdier, a household name for his nightly forecasts on France 2, the top state television channel, claims in the book Climat Investigation (Climate Investigation) that leading climatologists and political leaders have “taken the world hostage” with misleading data."  I ask you if the cause is cientifically sound, why punish those who with good cause doubt the politically based consensus? 

Even high ranking members of the Catholic Church disagree with the Pope's lurching to the left and getting on the Climate Change band wagon.  Quote: "Cardinal George Pell has publicly criticised Pope Francis’ decision to place climate change at the top of the Catholic Church’s agenda.  Cardinal Pell, a well-known climate change skeptic, told the Financial Times the church had “no particular expertise in science”.  “The church has got no mandate from the Lord to pronounce on scientific matters,” he said,

This helps to emphasize the oppressive controls the UN wishes to impose on a global basis.  Quote: Regarding climate science "... a sizable percentage of the population that consists of both scientists and laymen disagree with popular opinion, then it can hardly be called a settled science. This situation calls for more research and debate until the truth, whatever it may be, becomes indisputable and everyone can get on board with that reality. You know what it doesn’t call for? Persecuting and prosecuting the minority that has dared to disagree with popular opinion.  And that’s exactly what a secretive UN funded legal conference decided to do last month, when they met to discuss climate change and how the International Court of Justice should tackle it."  This is scarry.  Note this, too. What is "... interesting about this whole situation, is that I [author of the article] don’t remember hearing about anyone calling for pro-global warming opinions to be made illegal (as a matter of fact, if you can find a single instance of this happening, post it in the comments.) This type of behavior seems to stem exclusively from the other side of the aisle, and it doesn’t do their argument any favors. If this is how top global warming proponents approach science and debate, then it’s hard to imagine anyone taking their assertions seriously in the future."    

George Burns

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