Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fiscal Responsibility?

Does this behavior look anything like fiscal responsibility to you?  Not to me.  Incredibly the last two budget submissions by President Obama got no votes by anyone of either party in either the House or Senate.  We have no idea what his next one will include but we already know that he is in violation of federal law because it was due to Congress in February and will not be submitted until next month. Fiscal responsibility has been missing for a very long time.  Also in violation of federal law the Senate has failed to pass a budget for the entire time the President has been in office.  But who cares.  Right?  We will just spend, spend, spend.  The President and the federal government do not need to abide by the laws they make.  Only the lowly citizenry does.  And if we don't pay our taxes the IRS is on our backs because the government has got to have its (our) money, budget or not.  George Burns

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