Sunday, March 24, 2013

A High School Play Prompted This Note

Please read the below item.  It reflects an infection permeating so many of our schools.  In this case a public charter school chose to degrade Christianity and portray it in the worse possible light.  This is a reflection of the corresponding rot/decay in our society/culture brought about in large measure by the rise of secular humanism. But first a bit of background. 

The Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines secular humanism "as a humanistic philosophy viewed as a non-theistic religion antagonistic to traditional religion."  In the item below we have an example of a school system that allows apparent secular humanists to promote activities denigrating the Christian religion.  And, we can safely assume that a pro-Christian production would be denied based on "separation of church and state" grounds.  Why then does the religion of secular humanism escape similar restrictions?  Because it is not treated as a religion.  It is obvious in this case that proponents of secular humanism we granted free reign to bash Christianity. 

In my opinion secular humanism is a cowardly religious system.  Some, not all, adherents feel free to denegrate traditional religions - more later.  It is a religion having no clear standards of morality.  That is not to say secular humanists have no morals, just that morality is what they/culture/government decide it is and that varies from place to place. And, secular humanists cross all ethnic, political and socio-economic lines.  To its adherents everything is relative (ie; individuals/cultures determine their own truth, reality and morality).  As a consequence it is a religion that enables conflict and contributes to the erosion of stable societies/cultures/nations.  They do not accept standards based on belief in a higher spiritual power; they do not believe in God or an afterlife. Many secular humanists are good people doing good things.  But not believing in God or an afterlife also allows many of them to pursue less than pure objectives since there are no God given/everlasting standards to live by and no consequences for failing to live up to them. Man-made standards/rules/laws apply and those are usually made and enforced by a few who wish to control the rest.

Secular humanists reject the fact that, while less than perfect throughout its history, our nation was founded on Christian principles.  To them it was established long ago by imperfect white men so the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, notwithstanding their Christian based foundations, are dated/flawed with many claiming they have little to no merit to their modern day "enlightened" minds.  As imperfect as those men were they founded a constitutional republic that offered people of all races, ethnicity, and religions/non-religious alike opportunities not previously known to man.  No more.  The spread of secular humanism has slowly but surely eroded our nation/culture/society's religious foundation.  The same reigns in most western cultures. No need to elaborate.  The consequential results are all around us. 

As you consider the implications of the below link ask yourself whether or not secular humanists adherents would have chosen to put on a school play depicting Mohammad as a gay man with a band of gay followers, or one that demeaned their womenfolk?  Of course not!  But, believing their way is better they have little or no regard for the biblical record of Jesus Christ's teachings of love, peace, charity and the sanctity for all humanity.  They dismiss his teachings and resurrection as myths (no matter the historical record and Biblical promises).  They feel quite free to demean Christianity without regard for the feelings of its adherents or fear of retribution.  Those very facts reveal the innate cowardliness and vacuousness of secular humanism and its absence of immutable moral, ethical or religious standards. Many secular humanists of whatever stripe don't want the constraints of standards, moral or otherwise.  They prefer, instead, to indulge their self-serving but unfounded belief in their right to do, feel and behave with few limits while treating the religious amongst us with impunity, even disdain.  Except, for example, when it comes to Islam or Mohammad.  In which case they deign obeisance.  Their relativism makes choosing who and what to demean easy - the ones they have little reason to fear, at least in this life. 

George Burns  Another example of  secular humanist's (closely aligned with socialism) disrespect for Chrisitianity is at this link:  A brief sense of secular humanism's alignment with politics, socialism and their societal implications is at this link:

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