Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mute Buttons: Two Ways the School Complex Muzzles Parents and Students

 Correspondingly, hazardous to students' and parents' voices, is the second form of compulsion, namely, compulsory funding.

Perhaps more important than the actual amount of funding is that the compulsory aspect of that funding means that school boards and others in the system have little to no incentives to meet parents' requests and students' needs.

Arizona has a universal ESA program that grants approximately $7,000 per student per the Goldwater Institute that worked to implement the ESA program in Arizona, "State and local funding for public schools has increased substantially during the years in which the ESA program has operated, rising over $2,000 per student in inflation-adjusted terms since the program began." Thus, even when parents opt out of the government system and take their money elsewhere, funding and the taxes that support it still increase, ensuring that those in charge of the government system have little need to address any real parent and student concerns since their gravy train will continue relentlessly.

Bureaucracy: Mo' People, Mo' Problems Parents and students are effectively silenced and shunted aside by the ever-growing bureaucracy that thrives parasitically on the aforementioned compulsory elements of the system.

Such is the truth observed each day in the government school system, in which layer upon layer of bureaucracy ensures that few substantive changes actually occur, and that parental and student needs are rarely, if ever, addressed.

Conclusion Contrast such a system described above with a private microschool with two adult guides and six to ten students, as is common to models such as Prenda.

Parents pay monthly tuition for such an educational environment they and their students willingly choose and value, and they stop paying and remove their children if that value vanishes.

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