Monday, January 1, 2024

Tens of Thousands of Career “Civil Service” Administrators in Washington, DC, Apoplectic That Trump Might Fire Them

 This op-ed published in Politico is intended to sound the alarm about President Donald Trump fundamentally destroying the system of career civil service agents in Washington DC, and it’s also a little funny.

I mean, if you built an echo-chamber ideological in magnitude and scale, then self-isolated inside the DC beltway barrier, this would be exactly the type of alarm to follow.

POLITICO – […] President Donald Trump’s sweeping proposal to convert thousands of career civil servants into political appointees if he wins a second term in the White House. That plan — which has won the support of powerful, Trump-aligned conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the America First Policy Institute — is modeled on an executive order from Trump’s first term that redesignated 20,000 civil servants in policy-related positions as “Schedule F” employees, thereby allowing them to be fired unilaterally by the president.

[…] Americans should not underestimate the damage that the reforms would do to the federal government’s ability to deliver basic services in a timely and efficient manner. “At the end of the day, it’s intuitive,” he said. “If you are selecting people on the basis of their political persuasion or their loyalty as opposed to their expertise and their commitment to the public good, you’re going to wind up with less good service and more risk for the American people.” (MORE)

Apparently, Mr. Max Stier has misread the room.

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