Saturday, January 27, 2024

Mitch McConnell's Bait-And-Switch Border Failure Isn't Trump's Fault

A confounding news story broke Wednesday night purporting that Mitch McConnell hit a dead end on negotiating legislation to help secure the southern border and, sadly, Donald Trump was the reason for the failure.

What actually happened is this: Without ever publicly revealing the details of a supposedly gangbusters border security bill, Senate Republican leadership told their colleagues in both houses of Congress that they definitely needed to get on board, that such a lucky star only shows itself once in a lifetime and that the window to pounce was never or now.

In other words, Trump directed Republicans to drop the unseen legislation because his campaign needed to keep the border issue to his advantage.

"Former President Donald Trump's push to kill a bipartisan immigration deal may now derail a major national security package," it said, "Forcing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to suggest a new course of action".

True, Trump has publicly stated that Republicans shouldn't accept any deal - a deal that was always supposed to include billions of dollars more to shower on Ukraine - if it didn't completely seal off the blight at the border.

I don't know if you've seen McConnell lately, but I wouldn't trust him to remember to breathe, let alone a promise that he's fixing the border.

They're okay with a crippled Southern border while zealously pushing more taxpayer money to Ukraine. 

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